Invivo2 – Hypoxia / Physoxia workstation

The Baker Ruskinn InvivO2 hypoxia workstations provide accurate environmental control for the growth and monitoring of mammalian cells under physiologically relevant conditions.

These user-friendly hypoxia workstations allow you to study cellular interactions under physiological oxygen levels, avoiding the hyperoxic stress that occurs with traditional culture methods.

Precision Control
Optimal growth conditions with sophisticated control of humidity, temperature and oxygen levels. Heating and adjustable oxygen in the intelligent interlock

Conditions Monitoring Included
Continuous digital display of chamber condition with integrated data logging. Remote monitoring and control via a smartphone or tablet

Standard HEPA Filtration
Minimise the risk of contamination

Easy Access
Fast transfer of samples and direct hand access without compromising the chamber environment or stressing your cells

Comprehensive 4 Year Warranty
Long term peace of mind. Annual user-installable service kits included

Removable Front
Remove the pop-on / pop-off front panel at the touch of a button for equipment access and cleaning
