Physoxia Workstations

Physiologically Relevant Cell Culture

Oxygen levels  throughout the human body, range between 2 – 14% . In vivo cell interactions do not naturally occur at the atmospheric oxygen levels (20.9%) used for traditional cell culture.

The Baker Ruskinn workstations allow cells to be grown and maintained under physiologically relevant oxygen levels which reduces hyperoxic stress. This therefore gives a greater insight into cell interaction and more accurate modelling of potential drug candidates.

For over 20 years scientists across the world have trusted Baker Ruskinn to make their research possible. Indeed the close collaboration with Sir Peter J Ratcliffe at Oxford which lead to development of the first Physoxia workstations culminated in the well deserved Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2019 for Sir Peter and his collaborators for their work in understanding how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.

The latest innovation is the PhO2xBox which allows you to accurately control oxygen levels within your existing incubator or work with a different oxygen level in your existing workstation. This affordable chamber is the perfect introduction to the benefits of physiologically relevant cell culture and serves as an excellent proof of concept.

Labtech is proud to support the community to increase the physiological relevance of cell biology, showcasing the latest research in this field  with our webinar series

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