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Platinum coated silicon and glass substrates

Platinium coated substrates are available as a Ø 4”/100mm silicon wafer, 10 x 10mm silicon chips, microscope slide and coverslips. Substrates are coated with100nm of pure platinum (99.99%). They are useful for thin film research, MEMs, sensors, nanotechnology, and biotechnology applications. Platinum coatings exhibit high conductance and high corrosion resistance. An adhesion layer of titanium is deposited between the substrate and the platinium coating.

Both titanium and platinium coatings are deposited in a dedicated high vacuum deposition system using an electron beam (EB) source. The platinum coating is not atomically flat – there are height differences in the nanometre range. For protection, the wafers are packed in wafer carrying trays, the silicon chips and glass coverslips are in Gel-Pak boxes. The slides are packed in slide mailers.

Specifications of platinium coated substrates

Platinum coating

100 nm Pt (99.99% purity)

Titanium adhesion film

5 nm Ti (99.99% purity)

Surface roughness

Several nm


Silicon wafer

Si chips

Microscope slide



Ø 4” / 100 mm

10 x 10 mm

75 x 25 mm

22 x 22 mm


525 µm (+/- 20 µm

1 mm

0.2 mm

Material type

P (Boron) –  <100> – 1-30 Ohm/cm

Borofloat 33 – borosilicate glass

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