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TEM resolution, calibration and test standards

High quality TEM resolution, calibration and test standards designed to optimise the performance of your TEM. Manufactured from specially selected materials to produce reliable and field proven TEM test standards. TEM standards use either copper or gold square mesh grids. TEM performance test, calibration or resolution check can be performed where the materials spans the opening in the carbon film or between the grid bars.

Left image: EM-Tec TS3 TEM combined test specimen standard

Right image: EM-Tec TR1 TEM resolution standard fine gold particles

Specifications of EM-Tec TEM resolution, calibration and test standards

Prod #






33-001010 EM-Tec TS1 Perforated carbon film Test Grid Cu/400m
33-001020 EM-Tec TS2 Evaporated Pt/Ir Test Holey C Cu/300m
33-001030 EM-Tec TS3 Combined test specimen Test Holey C Cu/300m
33-001050 EM-Tec TC2 Evaporated Al film Calibration Holey C Cu/300m
33-001060 EM-Tec TC3 Cu film on Aluminum EDS calibration Grid Al/200m
33-001070 EM-Tec TR1 Fine gold particles Resolution Carbon Cu/300m
33-001080 EM-Tec TR2 Graphitised carbon black Resolution Holey C Cu/300m