Cryo FIB lift out
The CLP cryolift-out system meets the increasing demand for performing in-situ cryo specimen lift-outs of site specific TEM lamella prepared in cryo FIBs. Kleindiek’s experience in manufacturing microgrippers for standard TEM sample preparation has resulted in this cryo-compatible version of their microgripper that can be cooled to LN2 temperatures. The gripper is mounted to an MM3A-EM micromanipulator that has been enhanced for use with the cryo gripper using an insulated holder. The insulation allows the micromanipulator to remain at room temperature while the gripper is cooled by connecting it to the microscope’s cryo-system.
A published paper in Nature Methods July 2019 uses a Kleindiek cryo microgripper for targeted lift-out after cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) milling of frozen-hydrated cells to study the structure of cytosolic 80S ribosomes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The high-precision cryo microgripper method avoids the use of water to extract the cryo-FIB milled lamella improving preparation quality. With this method it has been possible to obtain sufficient resolution to distinguish individual ribosomal translocation states and cell-to-cell variation in ribosome structure.
Read the abstract here (
Brochure download: Cryo liftout system

Kleindiek’s unique solution for cryo TEM sample preparation
- Simple, gentle grip for retrieving lamellae
- No need for water vapour injection
- Interfacing solutions for most microscopes and cryo systems
- Fast setup and removal
- Compact construction delivers higher resonance frequencies
- Excellent stability
- Low drift (1 nm/min)
- Reliable operation (one year endurance test)
- Virtually insusceptible to vibrations
- No backlash or reversal play
- Sub-nanometer resolution (0.25 nm)
- No “blind axis” like with cartesian systems
- Integrated coarse and fine displacement in one drive

MM3A-EM micromanipulator
- Length: 62.1 mm
- Width: 20.4 mm
- Height: 25.4 mm
- Resolution A: 10-7 rad (5 nm)
Resolution B: 10-7 rad (3.5 nm)
Resolution C: < 0.5 nm - Lowest pressure: 10-7 mbar
- Material: Stainless steel, aluminium
A = left / right B = up / down C = in / out
cryo-MGS microgripper
- Total length: 28 mm
- Tip length: 5 mm
- Height: 5 mm
- Gripping area: (5 to 10 µm)²
- Resolution: 20 nm
- Gripping force: 5 to 5000 µN (variable)
- Maximum span range: 20 to 40 µm
- Temperature range: 77 K to 353 K
- Lowest pressure: 10-7 mbar
Liquid nitrogen cooled microgripper
The cryoMGS-EM is equipped with an insulator as well as a thermal coupling that connects to the microscope‘s cryo shield or cryo stage. Thus, the gripper can be cooled to LN2 temperatures while the MM3A-EM remains at room temperature. This greatly reduces the thermal load for your microscope’s cooling system. The gripper arms are manufactured from tungsten probe tips and are piezo-controlled, allowing a step size of 10 nm. Custom-shaped gripper tips are available on request.
The iLO control software provides intuitive control over the micromanipulator’s motion. By ‘talking’ to the microscope, the software is able to adjust the micro-manipulator’s speed of motion to match the given magnification. The software also provides true Cartesian motion using the microscope PC’s mouse (for X and Y motion) as well as an additional USB jog shuttle device (for Z motion). In addition, the software is equipped with a park & restore functionality and can be used to control the microgripper.
MM3A-EM three-axis micromanipulator system
The system comprises a MM3A-EM three-axis micromanipulator system for electron microscopy, a cryo-compatible microgripper, mounting kit and iLO control software. The package also includes control electronics, a joypad, a vacuum feedthrough and an operators handbook.
Ordering information:
Kleindiek MG2 microgripper
The MGS2 is available in various versions for EM, UHV applications
Micromanipulator cryo liftout package
Complete outfit for performing in-situ cryo-TEM specimen liftouts of site-specific TEM lamellae prepared in cryo-FIB. The cryo-compatible gripper is mounted to an MM3A-EM that has been enhanced for use with the cryo gripper using an insulated holder. The insulation allows the micromanipulator to remain at room temperature while the gripper is cooled down to LN2 temperatures by connecting it to the microscope’s cryo system (e.g. from Quroum, Leica or Gatan). MM3A-EM micromanipulator length: 62.1mm, width: 20.4mm, height: 25.4mm. Resolution A: 10-7 rad (5nm. )Resolution B: 10-7 rad (3.5nm). Resolution C: < 0.5 nm. Lowest pressure: 10-7mbar. Material: stainless steel, aluminium A = left/right, B = up/down, C = in/out. Cryo-MGS microgripper total length: 28mm, tip length: 5mm, height: 5mm, gripping area: (5 to 1µm. Resolution: 20nm, gripping force: 5 to 5000µN (variable), maximum span range: 20 to 40µm. Temperature range: 77 K to 353K. Lowest pressure: 10-7mba. The system includes control electronics, iLO control software, a joypad, avacuum feedthrough, a mounting kit and an operator's handbook.
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Micromanipulator (with encoders) cryo LiftOut package
Micromanipulator (with encoders) cryo Llftout package – a complete system for cryo liftout. The package contains a three-axis micromanipulator system with encoded axes for electron microscopy, a cryo-compatible microgripper and iLO control software. The system includes control electronics, a joypad, tip holders for probe tips, specimen probe tips, a vacuum feedthrough, mounting kit and an operator’s handbook.
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